All entries must be postmarked by May 1 and mailed to my attention.
I attended The American Legion’s annual Washington Conference in late February and as usual, what a great conference. I was able to see many familiar faces and meet quite a few new ones.
The conference also gave us a chance to get together and do some planning in relation to the NALPA newsletter.
Correction. Submission deadline for NALPA’s 2017 Media Contest is May 1; not May 31 as stated in the previous NALPA newsletter.
Print and Media Contest: When I returned home from the Washington Conference I had 10 Media Contest entries ready for judging. If this is any indication of what is to come, it will be a very exciting contest!
This NALPA newsletter will serve as a final call for entries to the 2017 contest. And as a reminder, all entries must be postmarked by May 1 and mailed to my attention at 3 Morton St., Norwood, NY, 13668-1100.
The rules and entry form is available for download at You must be a current, paid up member in order to submit an entry.
Due to the elimination of the contest’s entry fee, we expect a significant increase in the number of entries. Therefore, our three judges need plenty of time to judge the entries and create the awards well in advance of
NALPA’s awards luncheon during the National Convention in Reno.
Media Contest winners. There will be a surprise for Media Contest winners so stay tuned for more details!
Awards luncheon and annual meeting: It looks like it will once again be a favorable venue this year for our annual awards luncheon, which will consists of a buffet with several entrées to choose from. It also appears that the luncheon will once again be less expensive. We are still working on the details for pricing.
The luncheon reservation will be in the next issue of the NALPA newsletter along with entrée selection choices. Please note that reservations will be required as the hotel needs a meal count a full week before the luncheon.
Reservation information must be in a week prior as well, and must include name, meal choice and payment .
The annual meeting will again be held on Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. The executive meeting, for officers only, will start at 10 a.m. and the annual meeting will begin at 11 a.m. General members, please remember that your meeting does not start until 11:00 a.m.
Membership: Yes, I need to address this again and keep on addressing it.
We have many new members this year, and I thank you for joining. We also need to recognize those who have come back into the fold. As previously stated, we have started several new initiatives and quite a number more are in the offing. Many more improvements and innovations are coming down the pipeline and people will need to be members in good standing to be able to access these new resources.
Members who have not renewed will miss out in the future.
NALPA membership information is located on page 3 of this newsletter or online at