September 20, 2022

Training Tuesdays resume Sept. 27

By The American Legion
Training Tuesdays resume Sept. 27
Training Tuesdays resume Sept. 27

Join at 7 p.m. Eastern to learn more about the National Emergency Fund and customer service at the post level. 

Training Tuesdays, presented by the Internal Affairs & Membership Division, will resume this month.

The September Training Tuesday session will be held on Sept. 27, at 7 p.m. Eastern Time. This training session will discuss ways American Legion posts can provide a welcoming environment for new and existing members, and how the National Emergency Fund assist posts, Legionnaires and Sons of The American Legion members following a natural disaster.

A link to attend the training via Microsoft Teams is available here. Or visit the Training Tuesday web page at

The last Tuesday of each month American Legion National Headquarters staff and other leadership present 60- to 90-minute sessions on topics aimed at post commanders and adjutants. If you have a Training Tuesday topic you would like to hear discussed or present, please contact Michele Emery at

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