September 08, 2021

August heats up with Legion impact

By The American Legion
August heats up with Legion impact
Assistant road captain Roger Norfolk leads C flight as the Legacy Run leaves Ruidoso, N.M., on State Highway 37 on Aug. 25, 2021. Ben Mikesell/The American Legion

Baseball World Series, Legacy Run and national convention among the events that pushed American Legion performance.

The American Legion resumed its normal hot August of measurable impact after a 2020 summer that canceled most activities unrelated to COVID-19 relief. The August 2021 version of “Veterans Strengthening America” included outreach to Afghanistan veterans digesting the outcome of the war, more than $13,000 in support for local posts adversely affected by the pandemic, a second straight World Series title for Idaho Falls, Idaho, and more.

August was a record-breaking month for the national Tango Alpha Lima podcast, and The American Legion Magazine rated No. 1 among 150 national publications audited for reader frequency: a measurement of those who have read three of the last four issues.

The 2021 Legacy Run was back on the road, and the million-dollar mark was broken once again for the American Legion Legacy Scholarship Fund.  Racing star Jimmie Johnson talked about why veteran suicide prevention is important to him, as The American Legion-sponsored driver of the 48 car in the 2021 INDYCAR Series, and one post in Missouri increased membership 234 percent last year by reaching out and engaging the post-9/11 generation of veterans in its community.

See the August 2021 American Legion Membership Impact Report, as well as those from previous months, here.

  • Membership