May 05, 2020

Renewals needed to help recover from pandemic

By The American Legion
Renewals needed to help recover from pandemic
Renewals needed to help recover from pandemic

Secure, convenient online membership renewal can be completed online at

The coronavirus/COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted millions of lives across the nation. Home sheltering and social distancing requirements in nearly every state have affected the way American Legion posts do business, but they have not affected the way Legionnaires fulfill their duties to serve, as the organization’s constitutional preamble declares, “through individual obligation to community, state and nation.”

“Most post homes had to close their doors during the worst weeks of the pandemic, which caused a major impact on their ability to fund programs that serve veterans,” American Legion National Commander James W. “Bill” Oxford said. “One way every Legionnaire can help is to make sure their membership is current and, if not, please renew. In recent weeks, we have all seen how important The American Legion is in a time of crisis. Blood drives, Buddy Checks, mask distributions, meal deliveries, school supplies for kids suddenly home-schooled by parents and hundreds of acts of gratitude to health-care workers and other unsung heroes have depended on our volunteers, as well as funds that come from membership dues.”

Oxford expressed his thanks to all Legionnaires who have stepped up to serve in myriad ways through the crisis and asked that those who have not yet renewed their American Legion memberships to do so now, at this time of urgency. “It will take time for our local posts to return to their normal business activities, so membership renewal is extremely important right now,” Oxford said.

Secure, convenient online membership renewal can be completed online at

  • Membership