June 29, 2020

Share with us your coronavirus relief efforts

By The American Legion
Share with us your coronavirus relief efforts
(Photo by Jeff Blake)

American Legion posts, districts and departments urged to share estimates on their total pandemic relief efforts: food donations, free meals, Buddy Checks and any other related efforts.

For months The American Legion Media & Communications Division has shared through its various channels the amazing work members of the American Legion Family have been doing throughout the coronavirus pandemic. From providing meals to setting up food donations; from performing Buddy Checks on aging and at-risk veterans to producing PPEs for frontline health-care workers; and from conducting blood donation events to providing socially distanced birthday, graduations and military retirement honors, the Legion Family has been at the center of relief efforts for its communities across the nation.

We’ve been able to highlight individual posts, district and department efforts, but now we’re looking at the bigger picture: the cumulative totals of these efforts. We’re asking posts, districts and departments to share with us estimates of how many pounds of food you’ve delivered, how many meals you’ve served, how many Buddy Checks you’ve conducted and any other numbers you can provide as they relate to your coronavirus efforts.

“Each week in our media channels I see more and more examples of our American Legion posts and their Legion Family members delivering much-needed assistance to their communities,” American Legion National Commander James “Bill” Oxford said. “I could not be more proud of these efforts. But while those performing these efforts do not do it for recognition or applause, they deserve it. It’s important that we are able to at least somewhat quantify their efforts as we attempt to present the story of the American Legion Family’s impact during the coronavirus.”

Please send your estimates and any other pertinent details to sbrooks@legion.org. Feel free to share any specific information about your efforts in addition to the totals, and please let us know if you have any similar efforts planned for the future.

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