July 15, 2020

Legion departments name No. 1 recruiter for 2020

By The American Legion
  • Membership
Legion departments name No. 1 recruiter for 2020
Legion departments name No. 1 recruiter for 2020

Of the 55 American Legion departments, 27 submitted their top membership recruiter.

Every post within The American Legion’s 55 departments (which includes the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, France, Mexico and the Philippines) has an opportunity to submit the name of their top recruiter who signed up the highest number of new members for the membership year by the May target date. From post submissions, department adjutants determine the top recruiter for their respective department and certify the winner to National Headquarters.

The following are the recipients of the 2020 Department Recruiter of the Year Award that were submitted to National Headquarters. In total, 1,972 new members were recruited into The American Legion.

• Alabama – Tony Berenotto, Post 205

• Colorado – Annette M. Johnson, Post 1976

• Connecticut – Mary N. Harris, Post 20

• Florida – Ronald G. Lakin, Post 103

• Georgia – David H. Gardner, Post 29

• Idaho – Charles “Abe” Abrahamson, Post 30

• Illinois – Kenneth J. Trumbull, Post 134

• Indiana – Richard E. Brown, Post 186

• Maryland – G. Douglas Wiley, Post 70

• Mexico – Charles J. McClain, Post 02

• Missouri – Sidney C. Malone, Post 149

• Montana – William S. White, Post 2

• New Hampshire – William R. Roy, Post 2

• New Jersey – Richard Godfrey Sr., Post 129

• North Dakota – Robert E. Greene, Post 6

• Ohio – Jena L. Wilson, Post 199

• Pennsylvania – Edward A. Deissroth, Post 974

• Philippines – Gasper Delise, Post 38

• Puerto Rico – Jose A. Maldonado-Cruz, Post 14

• South Carolina – William A. Eroh, Post 178

• South Dakota – Ed Stringer, Post 911

• Texas – David L. Witucki, Post 490

• Utah – Martha A. Bigbie, Post 90

• Virginia – Alonzo M. Scott, Post 37

• Washington – Michael S. Batnick, Post 138

• West Virginia – Ellis J. Vest Jr., Post 32

• Wisconsin – Frank J. Kostka, Post 90

• Wyoming – Lin Bashford, Post 26

  • Membership