January 29, 2019

Membership, outreach effort set for California

By The American Legion
Membership, outreach effort set for California
Membership, outreach effort set for California

Veterans outreach and district revitalization effort scheduled for Feb. 7-9 at Chico American Legion Post 17.

American Legion national staff is teaming up with Department of California Legionnaires for a veterans outreach and district revitalization effort Feb. 7-9 in the Yuba/Sutter area. All wartime veterans in the area are invited to the post to learn more about American Legion programs and veteran benefits.

The effort will take place from 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Feb. 7-8 and 9 a.m.-noon Feb. 9 at Chico American Legion Post 17, 554 Rio Linda Ave., Chico.

Veteran service officer information will be available to assist all area veterans with claims or other veteran benefit-related questions during these times.

  • Membership