Posts have until Aug. 15 to submit the form that highlights activities fulfilled in a 12-month period.
The American Legion’s 2017-2018 Consolidated Post Report (CPR), which documents every activity a post fulfills in a 12-month (June 1-May 31) reporting period, was due July 1. Only 61 percent of the 12,803 total posts worldwide submitted a CPR.
It is important for the CPR response rate to increase so that the great work American Legion posts and members are doing in their communities and beyond is shared – whether it’s providing funeral honors, sponsoring youth to attend a Legion program, conducting fundraising efforts or more. The deadline to submit the CPR has been extended until Aug. 15 in an effort to build the annual report that will be delivered to Congress by the national commander.
A fillable 2017-2018 CPR form can be accessed here and submitted by mail. Or, the CPR can easily be completed and submitted through; it's located under "Post and Department" options.
The Departments of Delaware and Montana achieved 100 percent reporting. They will receive a plaque on stage during the 100th National Convention in Minneapolis in August.
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