Ads can be placed in post and department newsletters and on websites.
American Legion National Commander Brett Reistad recently announced two new Team 100 incentives for American Legion posts and departments worldwide to collect financial rewards for returning members to their rosters, ramping up renewal rates and hitting their targets for 2019.
Posts will be awarded $5 for every expired 2014, 2015 and 2016 member that rejoins the organization for 2019. And any American Legion department that achieve 100 percent of its 2019 membership target by May 8 will receive a $2,500 reward. Departments that achieve 105 percent of its membership target by delegate strength date will receive an additional $5,000.
Ads announcing these new membership rewards are available for posts and departments to use to spread the message to members. The Team 100 membership reward ads can be used in print for newsletters or flyers, Facebook posts and advertisement for websites.
View and download the ads by clicking here.
To help departments, posts and Team 100 recruiters, a toolkit of resources, suggested strategies and more is available under Recruiting Legionnaires at
- Membership