July 09, 2015

Legion announces new alliance with Defense Mobile

By The American Legion

Legion members will receive a 10 percent discount on monthly mobile service

The American Legion and Defense Mobile have struck a new mission alliance relationship to improve the lives of and reduce mobile communications costs for U.S. military veterans and members of the armed forces.

“Defense Mobile is on a mission to connect and improve the lives of veterans, a mission that aligns perfectly with the goals of The American Legion,” said Brendan Reilly, CEO of Defense Mobile. “This mission alliance allows Defense Mobile to expand its reach and help both organizations do more for our country’s heroes.”

Defense Mobile is the only mobile service built exclusively for veterans, military service members and their families. The company offers low-cost, no-contract plans and superior coverage on the nation’s best networks. To further reward those who have served our nation in uniform, Defense Mobile built miliSOURCE – the leading veterans benefits mobile app that provides users with profile-driven information about their veterans benefits. The free app is available to all veterans, whether or not they have Defense Mobile service.

To thank American Legion members for their continued service, Defense Mobile is offering Legionnaires a 10-percent discount on mobile service for life when a member verifies his or her military affiliation using his or her American Legion member ID number. This offer is available to current American Legion members, as well as to those who join The American Legion in the future.

“The American Legion is excited to combine forces with Defense Mobile,” said Michael D. Helm, American Legion national commander. "Having military benefits accessible through our members’ mobile phones with miliSOURCE will significantly improve the lives of our veterans.”

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