District, post projects in Wisconsin, Michigan and Kansas result in more than 500 members added to local posts.
The following are results from recent post and district revitalization efforts featuring the work of local, district and department Legionnaires working with national staff.
Kansas City, Kan. The effort to revitalize this suburban area utilized 23 volunteers over the course of three days, resulting in the transferring of 210 headquarters post members into local posts. Another eight membership renewals occurred.
Assisting in the effort were:
• Emery McKimmy, Post 370, Area East vice commander;
• Terry Phipps, Post 370 commander;
• Gaylord Sanneman, Post 205, department vice commander;
• Ernie Cooper, Post 153, past department commander;
• Tom Emerson, Post 153, 2nd District vice commander;
• Sally Emerson, Unit 153, 2nd District president; and
• Norma McKimmy, Unit 370, past 2nd District president.
Prior to the effort, 917 letters were sent out to delinquent and headquarters post members. An open house was conducted that included a service officer assisting veterans by answering questions and scheduling appointments to meet one on one to begin the claims process.
In addition, McKimmy and Emerson transferred more than 120 members into local Auxiliary units during the three days.
Niles, Mich. The effort to revitalize Post 29, as well as increase awareness and membership at the post, resulted in adding more than 30 members to the post through headquarters post transfers.
A total of 21 Legionnaires from throughout the Department of Michigan assisted with the effort. More than 500 letters were mailed out to Legionnaires prior to the revitalization, while the department’s Public Relations Division sent out press releases to announce the effort.
Kalamazoo, Mich.
The effort to revitalize Post 36, as well as increase awareness and membership at the post, resulted in adding more than 40 members to the post through headquarters post transfers and signing up new members.
Eight Legionnaires from throughout the Department of Michigan participated in the effort. More than 200 letters were mailed out to Legionnaires prior to the revitalization, while the department’s Public Relations Division sent out press releases to announce the effort.
Madison, Wisc. The effort to revitalize posts in District 3 resulted in adding more than 250 members to the post through headquarters post transfers, renewals and new members.
Dozens of Department of Wisconsin Legionnaires assisted in the effort. More than 1,200 letters were mailed out to Legionnaires prior to the revitalization, while the department’s Public Relations Division sent out press releases to announce the effort.
To schedule a district revitalization, contact your department headquarters.
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