Blank forms will be mailed out in January to department headquarters for distribution to posts.
The Consolidated Post Report (CPR) was established in 1975 in order to assist departments in the documentation of the various activities a specific post has done during the twelve-month reporting period June 1, through May 31. The Consolidated Post Report may be the most important document your post will complete this year. Your post’s information, combined with that of other posts, is used when the national commander and others testify on Capitol Hill on behalf of all veterans. Each post has a story to tell, and when we speak collectively our strength is magnified.
In January the blank CPR forms will be mailed to department headquarters for distribution to posts. A fillable PDF version of the form will be available at in March for post use. When using the paper form, send the original and one copy to your department headquarters by the date they specify. Keep the third copy for post records.
You can also complete and submit your CPR information from using the online form. Make sure you have all your information ready, then simply sign-on and look for Consolidated Post Report under the “Post and Department” options. After completing the form, click on the “Submit” button to send the report to National Headquarters; a copy will automatically be sent to your department headquarters, as well. The online CPR form will be made available each year after the blank forms are distributed to the departments. Online submission will be available at through July 1, the cutoff date for receipt of forms at National Headquarters.
The following is the letter from National Commander Fang A. Wong and his CPR Challenge sent to all department headquarters October 10, 2011:
This past year we awarded seven plaques on stage in Minneapolis and mailed nine certificates to those department commanders who increased their Consolidated Post Report (CPR) reporting. We achieved a 60 percent reporting rate after counting all the CPRs we received. My challenge to you is to increase your response rate to at least 75 percent or reach a higher rate then you achieved in 2011. When I testified to Congress last month, I was only able to report the figures I had on hand from 8,334 posts. In a day when we have to fight for all we can from Congress, whether it is funding for the VA system, military pay for our troops or direct benefits for our local communities, it is imperative that we speak as one voice. The best, and at times most influential, way we can do that is when our posts let National Headquarters know what they are doing in their respective communities. If we had 75 percent participation from all our posts, the amount of influence we would have at the state and national levels would be greatly enhanced.
In order to encourage increased reporting, I have instituted the following challenges and recognition to department leadership:
• Plaque at National Convention for 95 percent-100 percent reporting
• Certificates mailed for those that are over 75 percent reporting and show an increase
in their response rate from 2011
• Publish Department Commander’s picture in The American Legion Dispatch for those in the 100 percent Club
and 95 percent-99 percent Club
In January 2012 the blank CPR forms will be mailed to your Department Headquarters for distribution to your respective posts. Enough will be provided for each post, plus 10 percent extra. Also, the Microsoft Word and Adobe pdf versions of the form will be provided for your posts to use, and will be available from the National web site. Additionally, if a post is utilizing the, they can submit their CPR directly through that method. If for some reason you may need more forms, or have questions, please contact David Elmore at (317) 630-1376 and he will assist you. I encourage you to convince your posts to submit a completed CPR form and send to Department Headquarters as soon as they become available. Remember, only posts submitting CPRs with information being reported will be accepted. Do not submit blank reports. All forms must be at National no later than July 6, 2012 for posting to the system.
I need your help to increase the response rates so your great work in our communities is reflected appropriately. Thanks again and let’s do it together.
Fang A. Wong, National Commander
- Membership