January 06, 2011

Membership on the agenda in Indy

By The American Legion
Membership on the agenda in Indy
Fang Wong, leading candidate for 2011-2012 national commander, will address the National M&PA Committee on Friday in Indianapolis. Photo by James V. Carroll

Membership & Post Activities Committee meeting in Indianapolis this week to discuss various subjects, hear from Legion leaders.

The American Legion’s National Membership & Post Activities Committee will meet in Indianapolis on Friday to evaluate membership strategies, hear from Legion leaders and analyze current membership programs. The committee also will break into smaller groups to review membership resolutions and membership planning sessions, as well as other membership issues. National Commander Jimmie Foster will address the committee, as will National Adjutant Daniel S. Wheeler and Fang Wong, the national commander’s representative to the Legislative Commission and the leading candidate for 2011-2012 American Legion national commander.

Meanwhile, Denise H. Rohan, chairman of the M&PA Committee, will provide opening remarks to the committee at 9:05 Friday morning.

  • Membership