April 29, 2015

Spring meetings set for next week in Indy

By The American Legion
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Spring meetings set for next week in Indy
Spring meetings set for next week in Indy

National Executive Committee, American Legion commissions headed to Indianapolis May 4-7 for annual meetings.

Legionnaires from every American Legion department will converge on Indianapolis, May 4-7, for the organization's annual Spring Meetings.

On May 2-5, the Legion's various commissions and committees will meet to consider and vote on resolutions, and prepare reports to deliver to the National Executive Committee, which will hear those reports May 6-7 in the NEC Room at National Headquarters.

The NEC also will hear from National Commander Michael D. Helm, who will update the committee on the Legion's priorities and successes so far this year.

Full funding for the Department of Veterans Affairs, the U.S. military budget and the Military Retirement and Compensation Modernization Commission recommendations are among the subjects expected to be discussed. The 2015 Eagle Scout of the Year recipient and the Legacy Scholarship recipients also will be named during the meetings, as well as the recipient of the Legion’s Distinguished Service Medal.

A Quilts of Valor Day of Service also is scheduled for May 4.

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