October 02, 2013

Follow the Legion on LinkedIn

Follow the Legion on LinkedIn
Follow the Legion on LinkedIn

Followers can view links to news stories of interest to veterans and the Legion family, interact with National Headquarters.

As part of its advancements in social media, The American Legion is active on its LinkedIn page.

Followers of the page can view links to news stories of interest to veterans and the Legion family, interact with National Headquarters and communicate with others who share similar interests.

LinkedIn, which launched in May 2003, is a social networking website for people in professional occupations. Now, there are more than 225 million users in more than 200 nations and territories, according to the company.

The users are called "connections," and are a good way for business professionals to make contacts with others in the same field, industry or common experiences such as military service. There are numerous benefits to building connections and following organizations or companies. For example, users can:

• Follow different companies such as The American Legion and can get notification of news stories, job postings and more.

• Build up a contact network. This is done by adding direct connections, who then can recommend or introduce you to connections in their network.

• Find jobs, people and business opportunities throughout their extended network.

• Review the profile of hiring managers and discover which of their existing contacts can introduce them.

• Save or bookmark jobs that they would like to apply for.

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