September 17, 2015

I Am The American Legion - Ken Persson Jr.

By Matt Grills

“If you’re going to ask people to join an organization, you’ve got to give them something to do.”

In 2011, Ken Persson returned to his home of Lander, Wyo., after 30 years in the military. He thought he’d travel the country on his motorcycle and enjoy retirement.

Instead, the Afghanistan veteran met the woman he’d marry, had a daughter, began helping run his parents’ ranch and accepted a job teaching military science at the local high school. He also dove headfirst into The American Legion.

Persson’s father, Ken Sr., had just taken over as commander of Post 33. “Dad started pushing the programs, finding out everything we could or should be doing,” he says. “He asked if I’d be his first vice commander, and together we started working recruitment and encouraging members to come to meetings.”

Attendance went from five to about 25, and Persson moved up to post and district adjutant. In 2015, he was the Department of Wyoming’s Adjutant of the Year. Now he’s serving as district commander.

For Persson, belonging to the Legion is more than his name on a membership roll. It’s about what he can do for youth and his community. 

In his classroom and school assemblies, Persson takes every opportunity to promote Boys State, Girls State, the Oratorical Contest and other Legion Family activities. “We work hard to let people know that we’re here and that we have great programs,” he says.

Branch of service:Wyoming National Guard (1982-1984), Army (1984-2011)

MOS: Artilleryman

Rank: First sergeant

Post:Don Stough Post 33, Lander, Wyo.

Years in the Legion:

Veterans activities

  • Post adjutant (2012-present)
  • National American Legion College graduate (2012)
  • District adjutant (2013-2015)
  • District commander (2015-2016)


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