May 20, 2015

I Am The American Legion - Tony Stewart

By Henry Howard

“I felt like I had more to give, and with The American Legion, I found my golden ticket to do some more good in the world and the community where I live.”

Tony Stewart learned the importance of The American Legion growing up in his small hometown of Osborne, Kan.  “Many places around town The American Legion helped build, so there was an American Legion presence all throughout my life,” he says.

Knowing veterans helped instill in Stewart a deep respect for military service. “A lot of times, it’s not smooth sailing when you’re in your high school years or when you’re developing who you want to be in life,” he says. “You need those little constant reminders that service is an applicable and valuable thing to do. Having those reminders everywhere I went really reinforced it, so when the time was there for me to (consider service), it was part of me.”

After his 20-year Navy career, Stewart is determined to give back, most notably through the Legion’s Operation Comfort Warriors and programs for veterans struggling with homelessness or unemployment. He also connects active-duty servicemembers to the Legion through his job with Naval Special Warfare in San Diego, where he informs them of veteran-related community services.

Stewart is also dedicated to his community. For example, his post handed out 200 pairs of donated boots and T-shirts for homeless veterans, he says. “That spirit of community service has brought together three generations of people who served, and they say, ‘Wow, I didn’t know The American Legion did that.’” 

Branch of Service Navy (1987-2007)

MOS Submarine yeoman

Rank Chief petty officer

American Legion Post Chula Vista Post 434, Chula Vista, Calif.

Years in the Legion 17

Legion Offices

  • District commander (2014-present)
  • District adjutant (2008-2009) 
  • Post commander (2010-2014) 
  • National Legislative Council member (2015-present)
  • National Media & Communications Council member (2014-present)
  • Magazine