March 05, 2025

Legion urges congressional action on predatory claims companies

Legion urges congressional action on predatory claims companies

American Legion submits Statement for the Record, calling for Congress to enact guard rails that protect veterans.

The American Legion is calling for Congress to enact legislation that would place guard rails for the claims processing system to protect veterans. A Statement for the Record (SFR) was submitted for a hearing on the issue conducted by the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs Subcommittee on Disability Assistance and Memorial Affairs on March 5.

“While we respect a veteran’s individual right to determine their own path for claims assistance based on their personal circumstances, Congress must act to strengthen VA’s enforcement authority to hold accountable bad actors who seek to illegally collect fees from veterans,” American Legion Veterans Affairs and Rehabilitation Director Cole Lyle wrote in the SFR.

The American Legion supports the GUARD Act and opposes the PLUS Act.

“Now we have the opportunity with this draft legislation to do what’s best for our veterans,” Lyle said. “We look forward to contributing further to the dialogue. But we will not support a bill that legitimizes predatory actors taking advantage of veterans.

“Over the past few years, Congress has been stuck in a legislative stalemate while veterans have continued to pay the price. Without congressional action, the unacceptable status quo will see unethical for-profit companies continue to take advantage of veterans. We appreciate the continued effort of Congress to come to a compromise and end the logjam.”

The hearing will be held at 10:15 a.m. Wednesday, March 5. To read the full SFR, click here.

  • Legislative