January 18, 2024

Legion Family members take part in MLK Day of Service events

By The American Legion
Honor & Remembrance
Legion Family members take part in MLK Day of Service events
(Post 28 Facebook photo)

American Legion Auxiliary National President Lisa Williamson among those honoring Martin Luther King Jr. by giving back to community.

During her official visit to the Department of Delaware, American Legion Auxiliary National President Lisa Williamson was able to take part in a Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service event at American Legion Post 28 in Millsboro.

Williamson enjoyed joining with the more than 70 other volunteers who took part in the event and exemplify the service to community that was promoted by King. But she also came away impressed with the way the American Legion Family at Post 28 works together – something she’s always promoted.

“That Legion Family at Post 28, they do everything. And they do everything well,” Williamson said. “And they do it as a family. They epitomize family. And if you were to look it up in the dictionary, that’s going to be them for Legion Family. That’s what I think all Legion Families across the country should strive to be.”

Members of Post 28’s Legion Family hosted a food drive, putting together more than 200 grocery bags filled with food that will be delivered to the Wilmington VA Medical Center. The collected items will be distributed to veterans who are facing food insecurity. Delaware State Rep. Jeff Hilovsky, a retired U.S. Air Force colonel, also took part in the event, which garnered local media coverage, including video.  

Williamson said it was fortuitous that her visit coincided with the service event. “They know I’m a person who likes to roll up her sleeves and participate in projects,” she said, while noting that it wasn’t just a Legion Family event. “They had people from the local hospital helping. They had Rotary Club members there. It was kids. Little kids. And it was teaching them from the get-go that you give back to your communities. It was incredibly heart-warming.”

The following are a few examples of how American Legion Family members commemorated Martin Luther King Jr. Day. Posts who participated in or hosted MLK Day events are encouraged to share their photos and stories at www.legiontown.org.


In Dothan, members of American Legion Post 12 took part in the city’s annual MLK Day March.


·         In West Augustine, members of Alton Green Memorial American Legion Post 194 hosted an event that included a presentation from Bernice Harper, who took part in the Civil Rights Movement. The event also included board games, free food and music.

·         In Orlando, members of American Legion Riders Chapter 331 took park in the downtown Orlando MLK Parade.


In Dexter, American Legion Post 557 used Martin Luther King Jr. Day to give back through a Red Cross blood drive at the post.

New Jersey

In Burlington, American Legion Post 336 hosted an MLK event that included a speech from State Sen. Troy Singleton and a meal.  

North Carolina

In Charlotte, American Legion Post 262 teamed with Revive Church to conduct an MLK Empowering the Community and Resources Event. The event provided free items for children, baby baskets and other resources.  

South Carolina

In Laurens, American Legion Post 25 partnered with Keep Laurens County Beautiful and Presbyterian College students for an MLK Day of Service community cleanup in the Watts Mill area.

“We are honored to join hands with Keep Laurens County Beautiful and the dedicated students from Presbyterian College for this MLK Day of Service cleanup,” Post 25 Commander Kevin Farnsworth said prior to the event. “Let’s make it a day on, not a day off, by working together to enhance the beauty and cleanliness of the Watts Mill community.”


In San Antonio, Fred Brock Post 828’s Legion Family joined with others for a wreath-laying ceremony at Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza. The post’s annual MLK Veterans Coffee Social was to follow but had to be cancelled because of inclement weather.

  • Honor & Remembrance