Obituaries of veterans, Legion Family members may be posted on Honor & Remembrance web page at no cost.
The American Legion’s new Honor & Remembrance web page is dedicated to honoring and remembering those who served in the U.S. Armed Forces. Readers are encouraged to submit stories and photos to help the web page build a collection of material on family legacies, military service, community memorials and more.
The American Legion also wants to honor veterans and Legion Family members who have passed on. Families are encouraged to submit obituaries by going to the Honor & Remembrance page and clicking on “In Memoriam.” Once you fill in the deceased’s name, the obituary and upload a photo (optional), just hit the save button. There is no word limit for the obituaries.
Additionally, those who knew the deceased are encouraged to leave their condolences in the comments section of the obituary.
The In Memoriam feature can be used free of charge.
For questions, please email honor@legion.org
- Honor & Remembrance