Yesterday, we received 24 contacts. 23 were received by the N2GE repeater and 1 on 75/80M LSB. This does not count three more I couldn’t match up on QRZ. I eliminate them because, for all I know, they may have given me a bogus call sign. With these, we received three new, first-time contacts. Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT with Tommy Becker K4OBY
Yesterday, we received 24 contacts. 23 were received by the N2GE repeater and 1 on 75/80M LSB. This does not count three more I couldn’t match up on QRZ. I eliminate them because, for all I know, they may have given me a bogus call sign.
With these, we received three new, first-time contacts.
Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT with Tommy Becker K4OBY
- Ham Radio