The American Legion Amateur Radio Club weekly net out of Oregon.
The local distribution of American Legion ham radio activities is continuing, with the establishment of a new TALARC (The American Legion Amateur Radio Club) weekly net out of Oregon.
Denise Emery N7OSU is an Auxiliary member connected to American Legion Post 10 in Albany, and a ham radio operator. She and the post radio club (call sign N7ALA, for American Legion, Albany) recently stood up a Monday net on 20 meters. She says the decision to start a TALARC net came “because it would be a fun activity, and a way to get new hams interested with the more experienced hams we have as local volunteers.” N7ALA has been in operation for a few months, with five current members. Emery’s interest in ham radio comes from “being married to a vet who loved radio, and being raised by a radio operator who was in World War II.” She gives credit to post commander David Solomon; "without his support this would not have happened."
The new net is a way to increase relationships and communication both in their area – Emery says the club has been asked to host a ham class at the post – and across the country; N7ALA is the only current net in the West. The first net reached a number of states and went “great as [far as] getting interest, and this will grow,” she adds. N7ALA conducts other events that are also garnering more contacts, such as a commemorative special event station over the Sept. 11 weekend.
The N7ALA 20 meter net starts at 10 a.m. Pacific time on Mondays, on 14.250 MHz. Learn more details about this and all TALARC nets here.
- Ham Radio