September 17, 2021

9/16/21 contacts for TALARC/KN4YQL, Post 28, Spartanburg, S.C.

Ham Radio
Net Reports

We made 24 contacts today. Among our many regular contacts, we picked up 2 new (first-time) contacts. 2 of our contacts were made on HF. 1 at 7.2230. & 1 at 7.2510. This leaves us with 22 made on the N2GE repeater at Mt. Mitchell, N.C. Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT with Arthur Patterson KE4EAN

We made 24 contacts today. Among our many regular contacts, we picked up 2 new (first-time) contacts.
2 of our contacts were made on HF. 1 at 7.2230. & 1 at 7.2510. This leaves us with 22 made on the N2GE repeater at Mt. Mitchell, N.C.

Calvin Bridges KJ4HGT
with Arthur Patterson KE4EAN

  • Ham Radio