Yesterday - Thursday, 5/6/2021 - we made a total of 27 contacts (that’s what I have listed). Maybe there’s a possible contact that I couldn’t confirm a matchup on QRZ, so let me declare it 26 contacts. With these contacts, there were 4 made on 3.856 LSB 75/80M, leaving 22 received by Mt. Mitchell Repeater N2GE on 145.190M. With those 22 Repeater contacts, 3 we noted to have come through the Repeater by EchoLink. After matching these contacts up by QRZ, we found 8 of them are ‘First Time Contacts’who will be receiving our QSL card soon!
Yesterday - Thursday, 5/6/2021 - we made a total of 27 contacts (that’s what I have listed). Maybe there’s a possible contact that I couldn’t confirm a matchup on QRZ, so let me declare it 26 contacts. With these contacts, there were 4 made on 3.856 LSB 75/80M, leaving 22 received by Mt. Mitchell Repeater N2GE on 145.190M. With those 22 Repeater contacts, 3 we noted to have come through the Repeater by EchoLink.
After matching these contacts up by QRZ, we found 8 of them are ‘First Time Contacts’who will be receiving our QSL card soon!
Distant contacts made were from Bill H. Sloan – NZ9S in Sheridan, IN, (Repeater & EchoLink, (First Time))
Paul M. Smith – KG5HLB - in Baton Rouge, LA, (Repeater & EchoLink)
Steve L. Schrader - KE0CPX – in Raytown, MO, (Repeater & EchoLink)
Wayne Barrett – AB8OF – in Salem, WV, (3.856 LSB 75/80M)
Plans are still looking to correct an End Fed Wire Antenna and putting up a Center Fed Wire Antenna.
ALSO, we received a phone contact about a possibility of getting a 60’ Self Standing Tower (that can be saved for future use)!
Calvin Bridges – HJ4HGT
- Ham Radio