June 23, 2021

AL Post 28 (Spartanburg, SC) KN4YQL contacts For Thursday, 6/17/2021

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Our 75/80 meter conditions opened up very well for us today! With this, we had 7 of our 14 contacts made on SSB – 3.865 LSB. That left us with 7 made on the N2GE repeater 145.19 (on Mt. Mitchell). With these contacts, we had 4 ‘First Time Contacts’ made: 2 on 75/80, and 2 on Mt. Mitchell Repeater. Too bad activity was low today, with conditions on HF being as good as they were. Calvin Bridges – KJ4HGT

Our 75/80 meter conditions opened up very well for us today! With this, we had 7 of our 14 contacts made on SSB – 3.865 LSB. That left us with 7 made on the N2GE repeater 145.19 (on Mt. Mitchell).
With these contacts, we had 4 ‘First Time Contacts’ made: 2 on 75/80, and 2 on Mt. Mitchell Repeater.
Too bad activity was low today, with conditions on HF being as good as they were.

Calvin Bridges – KJ4HGT

  • Ham Radio