July 07, 2021

KN4YQL report for Thursday, 7/1/2021

Ham Radio
Net Reports

Our HAM Radio Station KN4YQL operated our 2-hour net today (Thursday, 7/2/2021), 1330 to 1530 hours (10:30AM to 12:30PM local time). Today we made 21 contacts. 2 were on 75/80 meters at 3.856, which we have already contacted before. 19 others were by the N2GE repeater at 145.190, with 3 of them being first-time (new) contacts! Also, W4TWX at 6 Mile, S.C., relayed a contact with WE5O in Simpsonville, S.C., on the 75/80 frequency. Yesterday, I completed filling out 12 of our QSL cards and sent them out to 13 contacts from the last 2 Thursday operations. (2 of them shared the same address.)

Our HAM Radio Station KN4YQL operated our 2-hour net today (Thursday, 7/2/2021), 1330 to 1530 hours (10:30AM to 12:30PM local time). Today we made 21 contacts. 2 were on 75/80 meters at 3.856, which we have already contacted before. 19 others were by the N2GE repeater at 145.190, with 3 of them being first-time (new) contacts! Also, W4TWX at 6 Mile, S.C., relayed a contact with WE5O in Simpsonville, S.C., on the 75/80 frequency.
Yesterday, I completed filling out 12 of our QSL cards and sent them out to 13 contacts from the last 2 Thursday operations. (2 of them shared the same address.)


Calvin Bridges – KJ4HGT

  • Ham Radio