August 20, 2021

KN4YQL/Spartanburg, S.C./Post 28/Thursday, 8/19/2021

Ham Radio
Net Reports

It’s looking like we’re growing in popularity now! I have 32 contacts logged in, but when I checked them off on QRZ, I had to scratch off 2 since I couldn’t match them up. This leaves us receiving 30 positive contacts today. Among our regular contacts, we made contact with 4 new (first-time) operators. 3 contacts were made on 3.856 – 75/80M LSB, leaving us 27 made on the N2GE repeater on Mt. Mitchell. Our new operator joining us is a Son of a Legionnaire - William (Bill) McCurdy – KO4RAL. Calvin Bridges, KJ4HGT

It’s looking like we’re growing in popularity now! I have 32 contacts logged in, but when I checked them off on QRZ, I had to scratch off 2 since I couldn’t match them up.
This leaves us receiving 30 positive contacts today. Among our regular contacts, we made contact with 4 new (first-time) operators.
3 contacts were made on 3.856 – 75/80M LSB, leaving us 27 made on the N2GE repeater on Mt. Mitchell.
Our new operator joining us is a Son of a Legionnaire - William (Bill) McCurdy – KO4RAL.

Calvin Bridges, KJ4HGT

  • Ham Radio