From KN4YQL: Last Thursday, 7/29/2021, we made 29 contacts. 4 were made on 3.856, LSB 75/80 M. Leaving us with 25 made on Mt. Mitchell Repeater N2GE. The 2 EchoLinks into this repeater have remained down. I just called an operator on the N2GE repeater, to find those 2 EchoLinks will be repaired shortly. An earlier report mentioned a software program disrupting the EchoLink connections.
From KN4YQL:
Last Thursday, 7/29/2021, we made 29 contacts. 4 were made on 3.856, LSB 75/80 M. Leaving us with 25 made on Mt. Mitchell Repeater N2GE. The 2 EchoLinks into this repeater have remained down. I just called an operator on the N2GE repeater, to find those 2 EchoLinks will be repaired shortly. An earlier report mentioned a software program disrupting the EchoLink connections.
We have created a Maybe List now. It’s a Maybe it will happen, and Maybe it will not! This list contains 5 possible new ham operators joining us, and a tower. They remain ‘Maybes.’ On Thursday, a son of a veteran joined our post who had his General License. Now he looks more like a ‘New Member’ for our radio shack!
Calvin Bridges, KJ4HGT
- Ham Radio