April 20, 2021

Update from KN4YQL in Spartanburg, SC: 4/15/21

Ham Radio
Net Reports

The Post 28 weekly operation for Thursday, 4/15/21, made 24 contacts. 22 were by the N2GE repeater on Mt. Mitchell, N.C. (most all of our success has been made on this repeater). One of these repeater contacts came in by EchoLink from the UK! That was Fred Parker M6LHK in Hullbridge Essex, England. The other 2 contacts were on HF at 3.856 LSB 75/80 meters.

The Post 28 weekly operation for Thursday, 4/15/21, made 24 contacts. 22 were by the N2GE repeater on Mt. Mitchell, N.C. (most all of our success has been made on this repeater). One of these repeater contacts came in by EchoLink from the UK! That was Fred Parker M6LHK in Hullbridge Essex, England.
The other 2 contacts were on HF at 3.856 LSB 75/80 meters.
This is the frequency our station will be working now. It was futile finding a frequency location we could adopt with so much comm. going on and at different times. So we’re joining in with an existing group of operators on the 75/80 meter band at 3.856 LSB. and they agreed for us to join them. Their lead operator is Jack Norris – W4TWX in Six Mile, S.C. Please note that. I will share this on the TALARC Facebook and K9TAL.
The only other things to mention is our plans to re-direct our End Fed - Wire Antenna for our HF & look into putting up a Center Fed – Inverted ‘V’ Antenna. Also, my son, ‘Casey WX4DRG’ plans to set up Digital Comm. from our station on our spare HF set.
From KN4YQL in Spartanburg, S.C., more exciting comm. to come!

Calvin Bridges – KJ4HGT

  • Ham Radio