September 08, 2020

TALARC Veterans Day special event set for Nov. 11

By Bill Sloan, TALARC vice president
Ham Radio

K9TAL, and several other TALARC stations around the country, will operate on the 1X1 Special Event Call Sign N9V on Nov. 11.

The TALARC board has received approval to access the National Headquarters building in downtown Indianapolis for this year's Veterans Day special event. Currently, due to COVID-19, the building is only partially populated with many of the headquarters staff working from home. With this approval we will be able to conduct our annual event from the TALARC radio room.

The National Headquarters station K9TAL, and several other TALARC stations around the country, will operate on the 1X1 Special Event Call Sign N9V – November Niner Victor – for our annual national salute to veterans on this special day. We will operate on Wednesday, Nov. 11, 2020, from 1300ET to 1900ET (1800UTC to 0000UTC).

And as always, we will have a special event certificate available to all who contact one of our stations calling N9V on that day. To get yours, send a self-addressed 9x12 stamped envelope to:

The American Legion Amateur Radio Club, c/o The American Legion

700 N. Pennsylvania St.

Indianapolis, IN 46204

Please include your contact time, frequency and mode on a slip of paper or a QSL card. We collect QSL cards as well and will return our own K9TAL card in exchange.

Ham radio operators wishing to contact Special Event Station N9V should tune to 40m, 7.225 MHz (+/- 5 KHz) LSB; or to 20m, 14.275 MHz (+/- 5 KHz) USB; to 2m, 147.315 MHz on the K9IP repeater at Indianapolis; to the IRLP Node 9735; or to EchoLink *CROSSRDS* Conference node. Details about our participating net control stations will be posted online at, as well as on the K9TAL and N9V pages at, as we get closer to Veterans Day in November.

  • Ham Radio