Net Control Station W0MGD conducted the monthly net on *FMCA-ARC* Echolink conference Node 522547 on Saturday, May 11, 2019. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1700Z] and closed at 1300 ET [1800Z]. Eight check-ins participated in today's operations, including the Net Control Station. Contact with the following radio operators was logged; W0MGD, Steve, Fayetteville, AR (Net Control Station) AR Post 1000 WA3DVO, Evertt, Washington D.C. Post 275 KB3IIE, Ken, Washington D.C. Post 275 KC6UIS, Bob, Elk Creek, CA. Post 283 N6XLS, Doug, Post 380 K6ACV, David, Fort Hunter-Liggett, CA.
Net Control Station W0MGD conducted the monthly net on *FMCA-ARC* Echolink conference Node 522547 on Saturday, May 11, 2019. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1700Z] and closed at 1300 ET [1800Z]. Eight check-ins participated in today's operations, including the Net Control Station.
Contact with the following radio operators was logged;
W0MGD, Steve, Fayetteville, AR (Net Control Station) AR Post 1000
WA3DVO, Evertt, Washington D.C. Post 275
KB3IIE, Ken, Washington D.C. Post 275
KC6UIS, Bob, Elk Creek, CA. Post 283
N6XLS, Doug, Post 380
K6ACV, David, Fort Hunter-Liggett, CA.
W6SWC, Steve, Brooksfield, FL.
K8EAF, Ed, Ohio, Post 630
Three announcements were offered:
"Hamvention 2019," verbatim
"Field day coming June 21-23," verbatim
“Maryland American Legion Radio Club N3TAL looking for a favor from other TALARC clubs," verbatim
Discussion on the net included:
WA3DVO, Everett, stated today is Armed Forces Crossband event, information on DX Cluster, AIR, NSS, MARS on Band 7.306.
KB3IIE, Ken, stated that Maryland Post 275 will be operating on 14.275 the second Thursday of each month starting next month between 2300 UTC and 2400 UTC, and their call sign is N3TAL, and they look forward to contacting other post clubs.
Kc6UIS, Bob, stated that CA Post 283 has changed the name of the post to Ronald Reagan Post 283, and was a member there.
The TALARC EchoLink Net for May was cloed at 1258 ET [1758Z].
Submitted by Steve, W0MGD
- Ham Radio