July 24, 2019

TALARC 01 July 2019 D-Star Net Report

Ham Radio
Net Reports

TALARC D-STAR NET REPORT – 01 July 2019 Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 1 July 2019. The net began at 2000 EST with Ken (KY4KD) acting as Net Control. There were 24 check-ins, including Net Control. We had check-ins from 5 states and 1 Canadian province. In a first for this net, we had a “Golf Cart Mobile” check-in, thanks Ray and Pam (KY4RW & KB0DJP) for something new.


Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 056C on Monday, 1 July 2019. The net began at 2000 EST with Ken (KY4KD) acting as Net Control. There were 24 check-ins, including Net Control. We had check-ins from 5 states and 1 Canadian province. In a first for this net, we had a “Golf Cart Mobile” check-in, thanks Ray and Pam (KY4RW & KB0DJP) for something new.
We were joined at the post by Gene who is the Post 46 service officer. Gene, who is also retired from VA, answered questions and gave advice on VA services and eligibility; this will be an ongoing part of the TALARC monthly D-Star Net.
1 KY4KD Ken Post 46 KY
2 KM4QOY George Post 46 KY
3 Gene Post 46 Service Officer
4 KU4KD Joel Post 46 KY
5 K9PTF Paul Chelsea AL
6 N4JLT Ken Post 46 KY
7 KB4NST Tina Post 46 KY
8 ND8G Bud Post 42 KY
9 K1QD Bob Livonia MI Post 32
10 NN4H Larry Nancy KY
11 KD4MYW Norma NN4H Larry's xyl KY
12 KF4FMQ Mike Post 46 KY
13 KV4S Russell Chelsea AL
14 NK2J Brad Campbellsville KY
15 W9WA Bill Post 46 KY
16 VE3EJF Mike Ontario Canada
17 WB2LUA John Northpoint NY Post 1026
18 KB4TC Tony Commander Post 46 KY
19 KY4RW Ray Post 46 KY
20 KB0DJP Pam Post 46 KY
21 N2GWK George Post 42 KY
22 K4FT John Post 46 KY
24 KC5SAM Virgina Frontenac MN

Item – Weekly Digital Voice Net coming this month
Beginning Thursday, July 11, and weekly thereafter at 7 pm CDT, K5TAL, Mississippi American Legion Post 1992 will host an all-Digital Net that is available through a service called Quadnet Array, accessible at www.openquad.net. This service allows any form of digital voice to be routed so DMR users can hear D-Star and C4FM Fusion, D-Star can hear everyone, as can C4FM users. It also allows DV Dongle users to communicate likewise. This new net will allow any licensed ham of any license class to join in on our weekly roundtable discussions. The net is now listed on the www.openquad.net website.
On the www.openquad.net web page the Reflectors and Talkgroups for D-Star, DMR, and Yaesu C4FM System Fusion are listed. Once you connect to any one of them, you are connected to all Digital Voice Users.

Item: National Amateur Radio Field Day participation
We hope a good number of Legion radio club members had the opportunity to participate in this year’s Amateur Radio Field Day that was conducted on the weekend of June 22-23.
If you are one of those club members who did participate, we ask that you share your experience with others of us. Whether it was a brief visit to a Field Day site or round-the-clock involvement, please take a few minutes to tell us about it with words and photos or videos. Share your story, briefly or in-depth, with other Legion radio club members by sending it to Josh Marshall, KD9DHX, atk9tal@legion.org for posting on the club website.

Item: 2019 Veterans Day Special Event
Since the inception of The American Legion Amateur Radio Club, we have conducted two special event stations each year. One in March to commemorate the birthday of the Legion, and one in November to underscore the importance of Veterans Day via the amateur radio community. It is a bit early to be talking about Veterans Day activities when the event is more than four months away, but we want to mention it now so you can place it on your calendar. This year’s operation is set for Monday, November 11, 2019, 1:00 PM to 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time – 1800Z to 2359Z.
Using the special 1x1 call sign, N9V [November – Niner – Victor], rather than the club call sign, K9TAL, we will operate on 40m, 20m, 2m, IRLP and EchoLink on that day. Certificates and QSL cards will be issued to those who QSO with N9V.
The particulars of the event will later be posted on QRZ.com, under the N9V call sign. For now, please put that date on your calendar – Monday, November 11 – and be part of this year’s Veterans Day operations.

Item: EchoLink operations from the 2019 American Legion National Convention
This year The American Legion will call to order its 101st National Convention in Indianapolis, August 23 - 29, 2019.
The National Convention of the Legion includes the following separate events: the American Legion Auxiliary’s National Convention, the Sons of The American Legion’s National Convention and the American Legion Riders Legacy Run.
Other significant elements of the National Convention include a parade, patriotic memorial service, exhibits, general sessions with nationally acclaimed keynote speakers, color guard and band contests, receptions and banquets . . . and The American Legion Amateur Radio Club.
While this convention is the Legion’s 101st, this year is the 100th birthday of the Legion, which was founded in the wake of World War I, March 1919. As party to the observance, the Legion’s radio club, call sign K9TAL, will conduct special event operations daily from 1330Z - 1830Z, from Friday, August 23 to Tuesday, August 27, to commemorate the anniversary of the organization.
Contact can be made via EchoLink node *TALARC*, and through All-Star TALARC Hub Node 49465. Again, contact is via the EchoLink Conference node *TALARC*, or via the All-Star TALARC Hub Node 49465.

//End of Items. Net Schedule follows//

The following is for the benefit of the Net Control Station Operators and need not be communicated as an "item," but it could be helpful if you're questioned by those on your respective net. Here are the Net Control Operators, their QTH, and their monthly schedules:

• National EchoLink and 20-Meter Nets meet the 2nd Saturday of each month. EchoLink NCS is Steve WØMGD, AR; 20m NCSs are Bill KIØCW, SD, and Everett WA3DVO, MD.
• National 40-Meter Net meets the 3rd Sunday of each month. NCS is Terry, KE6RWB, AZ.
• National D-Star Net meets the 1st Monday of each month. NCS is George, KM4QOY, KY. (Kentucky AL Post 46 Radio Club, W4CDA)
• National/Regional 80m Net meets every Wednesday. NCS is Don KA5DON, MS. (Mississippi AL Post 1992 Radio Club, K5TAL)
• National Combined EchoLink/IRLP Net meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. Net Control Stations are Marty W9WMJ, Mike W9MNA, and Bill NZ9S, IN.
• National EchoLink [West] Net meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month. NCS is Shannon W6SPY, ID. (Idaho American Legion Post 155 Radio Club, N7ALR.)

July Net Schedule

Mode Day Date Time [Zulu] Where to find the Net
D-Star, W4CDA 1st Monday July 1 0000 UTC D-Star REF56C
IRLP and Echolink 2nd Wednesday July 10 0100 UTC *CROSSRDS*
Conference node or
IRLP node 9735
EchoLink (New!) N7ALR 2nd Wednesday July 10 0400 UTC *TALARC*
Conference node or
All-Star Node 49465
EchoLink, WØMGD 2nd Saturday July 13 1600 UTC *FMCA-ARC*
Conference node
HF (20m) KIØCW/WA3DVO 2nd Saturday July 13 1700 UTC 14.275 MHz [+/- 5 kHz]
HF (40M) KE6RWB 3rd Sunday July 21 0000 UTC 7.274 MHz [+/- 5 KHz]
HF (80M)(Wkly) K5TAL Every Wednesday July 3,10,17,24,31 2330 UTC 3.829 MHz [+/- 5 KHz]
D-STAR, W4CDA 1st Monday August 5 0000 UTC D-Star REF56C

End of Announcements and Information

  • Ham Radio