Volume 2, Episode 1 - This week marks the beginning of the 2nd year of operation as the K5TAL Wednesday Evening American Legion Net with over 500 check-ins, and over 100 individual call signs. The K5TAL Wednesday Night American Legion Net was called into session at 7 p.m. CDT on 3.825 MHz by Don Rand, KA5DON. Band conditions east to west remained good, and for the third week in a row no QRM on this frequency. There were 10 check-ins. Announcements are listed below. KA5DON Don Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
Volume 2, Episode 1 - This week marks the beginning of the 2nd year of operation as the K5TAL Wednesday Evening American Legion Net with over 500 check-ins, and over 100 individual call signs.
The K5TAL Wednesday Night American Legion Net was called into session at 7 p.m. CDT on 3.825 MHz by Don Rand, KA5DON. Band conditions east to west remained good, and for the third week in a row no QRM on this frequency. There were 10 check-ins. Announcements are listed below.
KA5DON Don Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
KB5AGW Terri Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
K5CUB Lee Post 1992 Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
WA5GYM Andy US Marine Vet, Jackson, MS
KB5PCI Jim Post 119, Gulfport, MS, TALARC
KE8GKY Larry Post 170, Three Rivers, MI, Portable in Clarksville, TX
W5TUT Ed AL Member, TALARC, Hattiesburg, MS
KG5KSA Mike Non-Member, Ocean Springs, MS
AF5AQ Richard Non-Member, Vancleave, MS
KC5ZLV Tina Wife of K5CUB, Vancleave, MS
Announcements: The entire text of National Commander Denise Rohan's announcement concerning the National Emergency Fund was read including the request for donations.
May 2 will begin the dual operation on both 3.825 MHz and 4.238 +- 5 khz
Hamvention was also discussed and if you are one of the lucky ones to attend the event, stop by and sayhi to the HQ staff who will be there. If you could spend a little time there to relieve the staff, let HQ know by email to K9TAL@legion.org.
All TALARC nets were discussed with instructions to find them on Legion.org/hamradio. K5TAL will be on the air for ARRL Field Day on June 23 to provide operating experience to our new members and anyone else who would like operating time.
Net was closed at 7:20 CDT.
- Ham Radio