Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 026A on Monday, 04 December 2017. The net began at 2100 EST (0200 UTC) with George (KM4QOY) acting as Net Control. There were 13 check-ins, including Net Control. We had check-ins from 2 states and 1 province. As well as our post commander, Tony (KB4TC), we were also honored by the presence of our district commander, Skip Kraemer, who was present to observe the net operation. Call Name Location Post Affiliation Notes VE7LEE Ted Vancouver,BC Reflector Host KA3DON Don Southern Mississippi 1992 W9WA Bill Bearwallow, KY 46
Station W4CDA conducted the monthly net on Reflector 026A on Monday, 04 December 2017. The net began at 2100 EST (0200 UTC) with George (KM4QOY) acting as Net Control. There were 13 check-ins, including Net Control. We had check-ins from 2 states and 1 province. As well as our post commander, Tony (KB4TC), we were also honored by the presence of our district commander, Skip Kraemer, who was present to observe the net operation.
Call Name Location Post
Affiliation Notes
VE7LEE Ted Vancouver,BC Reflector Host
KA3DON Don Southern Mississippi 1992
W9WA Bill Bearwallow, KY 46
K4FRM Ken Danville, KY 46
KM4QOY George Danville, KY 46 Acting Net Control
KI4BM Ray Danville, KY 46
KB0DJP Pam Danville, KY 46
N4JLT Ken Danville, KY 46
KB4NST Tina Danville, KY 46
KB4TC Tony Danville, KY 46 Post 46 Commander
WD4LEW John Harrodsburg, KY 46
W9LRR Thomas Danville, KY 46
AC4NE Ron Danville, KY 46
Announcements read:
Item: 2017 Veterans Day Special Event
The Legion’s annual “Salute to America’s Veterans” Special Event Station operation conducted on Saturday, November 11, was an overwhelming success. In fact, QSOs for the event marked an all-time high of just under 500 within a 6-hour period. Thanks go to all who participated, and a special thank you goes to Don Rand KA5DON, Bill Huntimer KI0CW, Everett Bollin WA3DVO and Jeff Hammer N9NIC for their control station work and contributions to the overall success.
For those who QSO’d with Special Event Station N9V, be sure to follow up and secure a QSL card and certificate from Legion National Headquarters. Information and instructions regarding these items is on K9TAL’s page on the site.
Item: D-Star Digital Monthly Net schedule changes for 2018
Starting with the first net operations on Monday, January 1, 2018, the monthly D-Star Net will have a new scheduled time and be operating from a new D-Star reflector. Beginning on that Monday, and each first Monday of the month going forward, the D-Star net will get underway at 8 p.m. Eastern time on Reflector 56C. NCS for the D-Star net will be George Coomer, KM4QOY and he will be operating from W4CDA, the Wilderness Road ARC radio room located at Parksville, Ky., American Legion Post 46.
Item: 80m/40m Weekly Net schedule changes
Effective immediately, the 80m net conducted by Don KA5DON, of the Mississippi American Legion Post 1992 Amateur Radio Club [K5TAL], has changed its operating frequency. This net, conducted weekly, will now operate each Wednesday of the month on 80m at 3.803 MHz, beginning at 1830 Central time [2330Z].
Due to poor band conditions this time of year, K5TAL has shut down operations on its 40m net that, until November, operated concurrently with the 80m net. It is anticipated that 40m operations will return to the airwaves in the spring of 2018.
Information on all of TALARC’s nets is attached to the president’s monthly email newsletter and can be found on the TALARC website at
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Submitted by George, KM4QOY
- Ham Radio