Convention will convene at 0900 on 16 June 2017 at the Best Western Loeso Hotel, Ludwigshafen, Germany.
Good Afternoon Comrades,
I have only nine posts so far that are attending this year’s department convention. The convention is next week and I am still accepting reservation letters. If you are not staying the night but attending the banquet, I still need a letter from your with your selection for the meal.
Thank You
Joseph Schram
Vice Commander at Large
Department of France
+32 0479 178539
FOR: All Department Officers, Past Department Commanders, Committee Chairpersons, Program Directors, Post Commanders and Delegates
SUBJECT: Official Call for the Department Convention
REFERENCE: Department of France Constitution and By-Laws dated June 2011
1. This letter constitutes notification to all addresses that the Department Convention will convene at 0900 on 16 June 2017 at the Best Western Loeso Hotel, Ludwigshafen, Germany.
2. The Department Convention will meet at Best Western Loeso Hotel, Ludwigshafen, Germany. The agenda of business to be considered at the meeting will be at the registration desk. Registration of Convention delegates will begin at 0830 hours on Friday, 16 June.
3. Representation for the convention is covered by the department By-Laws, Article III, Section 7. “Each qualified Post shall be entitled to be represented by at least two (2) delegates (or alternates) and each qualified Post whose membership is in excess of fifty (50) members on June 1st, shall be entitled to be represented by one additional delegate for every additional fifty (50) members or major fraction thereof.“
All present department officers listed in Article VIII, Section 1, of the Department Constitution shall be delegates with vote. The Legionnaires given the right to vote in section 3 of this article, National Executive Committeeman/Alternate National Committeeman (in the absence of the National Committeeman), shall have voice and vote.
All past department commanders shall also be elected Department Officers, Article VIII Section 2 of the Department Constitution.
4. A quorum for the convention is covered by the department By-Laws, Article II, Section 4, DEC and Department Convention Meetings shall require a quorum of not less than fourteen (14) voting members, to consist of not less than nine (9) Posts represented and five (5) voting Department Officers.
Maxwell Rice John Shanahan
Department Adjutant Department Commander