Meeting held Oct. 15, 2014, at American Legion Headquarters in Indianapolis.
Minutes of FODPAL meeting held on Oct. 15, 2014, at American Legion Headquarters in Indianapolis.
The meeting was called to order at 0730 by President Jim Pisa with salute to the colors.
Prayer was given by Angel Narvaez.
Pledge of Allegiance and Preamble by President Jim Pisa.
PNC/PFP Clarence Bacon welcomed National Commander Mike Helm and asked for him to give some remarks. The commander gave a briefing on the condition of Internal Affairs Chairman Larry Bessy, who fell and is in the hospital. He also wants the foreign departments to keep up work on Legion programs.
Charles Schmidt, candidate for National Commander, gave a quick talk.
PNC/PFP Clarence Bacon introduced all guests. James Pisa thanked all guests for supporting and attending our FODPAL meeting.
Reading of Minutes of Spring 2014 meeting. A motion was made by Jimmie Foster and seconded by William Shetz to accept the minutes with corrections. MOTION CARRIED.
Treasurer's Report: PNC/PFP Jimmie Foster gave the finance report; he asked that if you haven’t paid your dues yet to please do so. A hat was passed away to collect funds to support the commander's project plus the Legacy Fund, for $400. A motion was made by Jim Pisa and seconded by William Shetz to accept the finance report subject to audit. MOTION CARRIED.
FODPAL Breakfast 2014: the 2014 National Convention Breakfast in Charlotte, N.C., was a great success, although the food did need some help.
Unfinished Business
Membership cutoff dates are very important - membership is the lifeblood to this organization. Please review all future cutoff dates. The next cutoff date is Nov. 13, the 65% mark, and it is normally at this point when everybody hits the wall; when this happens you need to drive through that wall. It is important that all the FODPAL departments make each and every cutoff, because it shows the national organization that FODPAL is relevant to the national organization. OPEN
Post in South Korea: National Membership Director is working. OPEN
New Business
Earle Cocke Jr. Award nominee is due by the Spring Meeting; the 6 NECmen from FODPAL need to communicate over the winter to see who will be the 2015 recipient.
PNC/PFP Bacon reported that an ad hoc committee might be set up to review the status of all foreign departments.
Appropriate funds for Operation Comfort Warriors and The Legacy Fund: a motion was made by Doug Haggan and seconded by Jimmie Foster to donate $500 each to the Legacy Fund and Operation Comfort Warriors, to be presented to each fund at the 2015 National Convention in Baltimore, Md. CARRIED
The Robert “Bob” Conrad Department Membership Award went to the Department of the Philippines.
Joseph “Joe” Craig Post Membership Awards went to Post Vilseck Post 45 Vilseck, Germany, Department of France
The Earle Cocke Jr. Award went to Joseph “Joe” Craig.
The FODPAL Appreciation Award went to the National Meetings and Convention Office.
Report from the departments
Alaska – the department has met all membership cutoff marks to date, and is getting ready for winter.
France – membership is high and will be over 100% by year's end.
Hawaii – the department is getting ready for the national commander's visit in the first part of December.
Mexico – the department is shooting for 111% membership for 2015. Also, they have a new post starting in Argentina.
Philippines – membership is down and they are trying to get it up.
Puerto Rico – there was a big turnover in the department, so the department is working hard to get everything back on track. Also, they are working hard on getting the 2020 National Convention.
China Post #1 – NOT PRESENT
After a closing prayer and honor to the colors the meeting closed at 0841.
John Miller (FR) NEC
Robert Fuelling (FR) PFP
Doug Haggan (FR) PFP/FODPAL Secretary
Al King (MX) ALT NEC
Mike Wood (MX) NEC
Jim Pisa (AK) NEC/PFP
Clarence Bacon (MD) PNC/PFP/FODPAL Advisor
Mike Schlee (MD) Chairman NSC
Charles Schmidt (OR) Candidate for National Commander
Ken Owen (OR)
Bob Huff (OR)
Rob Liebenow (OR)
Mervin Siegfried (HI) NEC
Dale Barnett (GA) Candidate for National Commander
Stuart Smith (GA)
Mike Helm (NE) Candidate for National Commander
Jimmie Foster (AK) PNC/PFP/FODPAL Treasure
Jim Van Horn (AK) FODPAL Asst. Treasurer
Edwin Vergas (PR) NEC
Pedro Colon (PR) Dept Adjutant
Anthony Jordan (ME) PNC/PFP
Angel Narvaez (PR) Dept Commander/FODPAL Chaplain
William Shetz (MX) Dept Adjutant
Andy Millar (OR)
Jake Comer (MA) PNC/PFP
Jeff Stoffer Headquarters Magazine
John Raughter Headquarters Magazine
Laura Edwards Headquarters Magazine
Herb Scholten (PI) NEC/PFP
Doug Haggan, FODPAL Secretary