March 07, 2014

Flanders Field post busy in December

By Joseph Schram
Flanders Field post busy in December
Flanders Field post busy in December

Post BE02 meets, commemorates.

While I was gone for the first half of the month, Vice Commander John DuBose conducted the post’s monthly meeting. The main topic was our upcoming Oratorical Contest scheduled for Jan. 25. As of Dec. 24, we had eight contestants scheduled to compete with several more indicating their intentions.

During December we recruited three new members to The American Legion: Adam C. Van Allen, Emanuel Carter and Chris Arseneault. We also welcomed James FitzGerald, a transfer from the American Legion post in England. This brings our membership up to 39 members. Our goal for the remainder of 2014 is 50 members or more.

The month of December also saw Post BE02 members participating in several special events. On Saturday, Dec. 14, Comrade Maurice L. Sperandieu and Graves Registration, Memorials and Ceremony Chairperson Frank de Rudder attended the Bastogne Nut Walk and ceremony, with both laying a wreath at the General McAuliffe memorial. During the ceremonial, both Sperandieu and de Rudder were invited to a reception at the U.S. embassy in Brussels to meet with Ambassador Denise Bauer.