May 02, 2013

Post CN20 treated to Tet dinner

By James A. Grosset
Post CN20 treated to Tet dinner
Pictured above are Shawn Ranahan, Paula Sinnicks, Joel Vecchione, Adjutant Jim Grosset, Past Commander Ron Payne, Jack Yee, Service Officer Robert Knuppel, Wayne Cao, Commander Dar Frizzell and Past Commander Monte Coles.

Members of Post CN20 who were Vietnam War veterans were treated to a 10-course Chinese dinner by local MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) Wayne Cao.

This year Tet was celebrated on Saturday, Feb. 23. Members of Post CN20 who were Vietnam War veterans were treated to a 10-course Chinese dinner by local MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) Wayne Cao, who himself is from Vietnam, as a thank-you for all we did as members of the American forces for the Vietnamese during the war. The dinner was in celebration of the Lunar New Year and was put on by the Yee Family, a huge Chinese organization. Pictured above are Shawn Ranahan, Paula Sinnicks, Joel Vecchione, Adjutant Jim Grosset, Past Commander Ron Payne, Jack Yee, Service Officer Robert Knuppel, Wayne Cao, Commander Dar Frizzell and Past Commander Monte Coles.
