May 22, 2013

Kaiserslautern Post GR01 elects 2014 officers

By Stephen A. Ward
Kaiserslautern Post GR01 elects 2014 officers
Kaiserslautern Post GR01 elects 2014 officers

Kaiserslautern Post GR01 held post elections on April 6.

Kaiserslautern Post GR01 held post elections on April 6. The 2014 officers are:

Commander - Demetrius White
Adjutant - Robert "Bobby" Leist (2013 Legionnaire of the Year)
1st Vice Commander - Stephen Ward
2nd Vice Commander - Michael Young
Finance Officer - Vacant
Chaplain - Woodrow Ervin
Service Officer - Robert Gray
Historian - Robert "Bobby" Leist
Judge Advocate - Joseph Chonko
Sergeant At Arms - Chris O'Neal

Here's to a successful and prosperous 2014! Happy New Legion Year!!!

Special thanks to Department Commander James Settle and Department Vice Commander-At-Large Joe "Charlie" Brown for officiating the post elections and initiations. Also see the story and photos on our Facebook site: American Legion, Kaiserslautern Post GR01.