January 17, 2019

You can help get the Coast Guard paid

By The American Legion
Financial Assistance

Contact your elected officials and demand the passage of H.R. 367, Pay Our Coast Guard Act.

More than 42,000 U.S. Coast Guard members are feeling the financial impact of this current government shutdown as they are not getting paid. Yet, they continue to work in effort to protect our nation's security.

Let your voice be heard and help get our Coast Guard paid.

The American Legion is urging all Americans to contact their elected officials in the House of Representatives and demand the immediate passage of H.R. 367, Pay Our Coast Guard Act, so it can then be passed by the Senate and sent to President Trump to be signed into law.

To speak to your member of Congress and support getting the Coast Guard paid, call (202) 224-3121.

Tax-free donations to The American Legion Veterans and Children Foundation will also provide resources for The American Legion to offer Temporary Financial Assistance during this crisis and the next.

  • Financial Assistance