Donations to the National Emergency Fund can be made online.
Wildfires in Los Angeles County have resulted in at least 10 deaths, more than 10,000 buildings destroyed, and a major disaster declaration from the federal government.
The American Legion’s National Emergency Fund (NEF) is available for eligible Legionnaires, Sons of The American Legion and American Legion posts impacted by those fires.
The NEF provides up to $3,000 for qualified Legionnaires or Sons of The American Legion, and up to $10,000 for qualified American Legion posts which have been affected by declared natural disasters.
To be eligible for an individual grant, the Legionnaire or Sons member:
1. Must have been displaced from their primary residence due to damage sustained during a declared natural disaster.
2. Must provide copies of receipts of items required to meet immediate needs, such as housing, food, water, clothing, etc., during the period immediately following the disaster.
3. Must be an active member at the time of the disaster and the time of application.
The American Legion has created a presentation which discusses details on the NEF grant, including what the NEF covers and does not cover and how to complete the NEF application. Click here to view that presentation. And click here for NEF brochures and a preparation guide.
Auxiliary relief
The American Legion Auxiliary Emergency Fund (AEF) is a national grant assistance program that provides financial assistance to eligible members of the American Legion Auxiliary who have endured a significant financial setback as the result of an act of nature or other personal crisis. Click here for more information.
Donate to NEF
Donations to the NEF are tax-deductible and can be made online here.
- Emergency