March 27, 2019

NEF donations sought as spring weather dangers arise

By The American Legion
NEF donations sought as spring weather dangers arise
Storm damage on St. John, Virgin Islands on Thursday, Jan. 18, 2018. Photo by Clay Lomneth/The American Legion

The American Legion's National Emergency Fund provides grants to Legionnaires, Sons and Legion posts.

Now that spring has arrived, the chances of severe weather such as tornadoes, flooding and other potentially disastrous events are on the rise.

The dangers have already been seen in the Midwest, where heavy rains and snowmelt have caused flooding in Nebraska, Iowa and Minnesota. And the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s spring outlook forecasts the potential for major or moderate flooding in 25 states through May.

“We don’t know when or where the next major disaster will hit, or the smaller-scale disasters that affect smaller communities throughout rural America,” National Commander Brett Reistad said. “But we know it will only be a matter of time, and The American Legion stands ready to assist through the National Emergency Fund.”

In 2018, The American Legion’s National Emergency Fund (NEF) assisted Legionnaires by providing more than $250,000 in grants as they recovered from disasters such as hurricanes, wildfires and floods.

“We need your help in replenishing NEF funds to ensure those suffering from future disasters get the help they need,” Reistad said. “We have seen time and time again the ways in which the Legion Family goes above and beyond to help Legionnaires and Sons of The American Legion, and donating to the NEF is one of the most effective ways to do so.”

Donations to NEF can be made online at

NEF grants provide immediate financial assistance for American Legion and Sons of The American Legion members who have been affected by the natural disaster. Legion posts also qualify. The NEF provides up to $3,000 for Legion and SAL members with an active membership who have been displaced due to damages to their primary residence, and up to $10,000 for posts that have been damaged by a natural disaster and whose programs and activities within the community are impacted.

To apply for an NEF grant or to learn more, please visit

  • Emergency