The American Legion’s March 25 virtual Training Tuesday will be a collaborative session involving breakout rooms and live discussion.
The American Legion’s March Training Tuesday webinar will be an interactive session on how to create, write and present resolutions. The collaborative training will allow participants the opportunity to discuss their ideas in an engaging setting with breakout rooms and live discussions.
The training will be March 25 at 7 p.m. Eastern Time. Register here. Deadline to register is March 23.
The webinar will begin with an overview of resolution development, outlining essential components and common challenges. Participants will then be assigned to breakout rooms based on topic areas where they will actively draft and refine resolutions with guidance from facilitators. Tools such as Microsoft Whiteboard and shared documents will be used for brainstorming and live edits.
Following the breakout sessions, groups will reconvene for a live presentation and audience polling segment. This will allow participants to review proposals, provide feedback and strengthen resolutions before they move forward in the process.
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