October 21, 2024

Educate youth about Veterans Day with this comic book

Educate youth about Veterans Day with this comic book

“Our Country’s Veterans” can be purchased through Emblem Sales. 

“Our Country’s Veterans” comic book educates youth about what a veteran is, the variety of roles they can do in the armed forces, their service and sacrifice, how to thank a veteran and how to be a good citizen.

In preparation for Veterans Day, Nov. 11, The American Legion’s “Our Country’s Veterans” comic book is available for purchase to hand out to elementary students to help them understand the military service of our men and women.

Purchase the comic book at Emblem Sales, Item No. 755.304. The cost is 85 cents apiece or 100 for 69 cents apiece. 

"Our Country's Veterans" educates youth about what a veteran is, the variety of roles they can do in the armed forces, their service and sacrifice, how to thank a veteran and how to be a good citizen. The story is about four youth who help with the dedication of a new veterans memorial, hear the stories and contributions of people they know who have served in military, and share in the importance of thanking American veterans. 

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