July 23, 2024

How to host a Be the One walk

By The American Legion

New video provides best practices to conducting a suicide awareness walk at your post, district or department.

Be the One is The American Legion’s mission to reduce the rate of veteran suicide, destigmatize the need to ask for help, and encourage Legion Family members and others to reach out when a veteran is in crisis. One of the many ways the Legion is supporting this mission is through Be the One resources at betheone.org/resources.

Posts, districts and departments are encouraged to host Be the One events, such as walks. A new how-to video on hosting a walk is available to help you get started. Watch here.

Newly elected Department of Wisconsin Commander Jim Johnson gives best practices to conducting a Be the One walk, which he has led four of within his department. You will learn how to: pick a route, contact law enforcement for safety, advertise in media, create a sign-up sheet for participants, access and use promotional Be the One material such as banners, pamphlets and shirts, and more.

“I’m trying to bring in exercise to increase our overall wellness, both physically and mentally,” said Johnson during the Department of Wisconsin's Be the One 2.2 walk July 11. “It breaks the stigma of all of us just sitting in a bar. It gets us out in the community, they see what we’re doing, and it brings everybody together for Be the One to bring awareness to suicide.”

Additional Be the One resources on betheone.org/resources include a:
  • sample media advisory and press release
  • sample speech
  • social media graphics
  • table banner
  • Dispatch