August 02, 2024

How do you welcome new members?

By The American Legion
How do you welcome new members?
How do you welcome new members?

American Legion members share best practices during the 61st National Membership Workshop in Indianapolis.

The American Legion wants to hear how you welcome new and potential members into your post. This is an opportunity to have your best practices featured in a new member welcome toolkit that will be created and availabe on the national website for all Legion posts to use. Email how your posts welcomes new members, and share photos if you have them, to

During The American Legion's 61st National Membership Workshop in Indianaplis, July 26-27, attendees shared a few examples of how they welcome new members and retain them. Some posts provide new members with their first Legion polo or blue cap. The following are a few best practices shared

  • When mailing membership cards to new members, add a note that lists the names of the post officers and the day and time of the next post meeting.
  • When mailing membership cards for renewals, add in a handwritten thank you to the Legionnaire for their renewal and continued support of The American Legion.

  • Recognize members for their five-plus continued membership years with membership stars that can go on their Legion cap. The five-year membership star, along with a continuous membership patch, tack and certificate can be purchased through Emblem Sales.

  • When a new members joins, inform the post commander and adjutant and have them reach out by phone to welcome them.

  • Conduct a new member initiation ceremony with a new member kit (available through Emblem Sales, No. 735.501). See page 45 of the 2024 Officer's Guide on how to conduct an initiation ceremony.



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