July 06, 2022

104 Legionnaires earn Gold and Silver Brigade status

By The American Legion
104 Legionnaires earn Gold and Silver Brigade status
104 Legionnaires earn Gold and Silver Brigade status

For the 2021-22 membership year, 104 Legionnaires earned Gold or Silver Brigade status for recruiting 5,968 new members.

The American Legion’s Gold Brigade and Silver Brigade awards recognize Legionnaires for their recruiting efforts. A Legionnaire who recruits 50 or more new members (transfers do not count) by the May membership target date qualifies for the Gold Brigade award. A Legionnaire who recruits 25 to 49 new members (transfers do not count) by the May target date qualifies for the Silver Brigade award. 

To receive the Gold or Silver Brigade award, the certificate form located in the National Membership Awards Points Manual must be filled out and submitted to National Headquarters on or before the May membership target date. 

For the 2021-22 membership year, 104 Legionnaires earned Gold or Silver Brigade status for recruiting 5,968 new members. There are 57 Gold Brigade and 47 Silver Brigade recipients.

Learn more about the Gold Brigade and Silver Brigade award and earnings received at www.legion.org/membership/awards.

The following are the Gold and Silver Brigade recipients that were submitted.

Gold Brigade

Alabama: Francis Doyle Jr. (Post 57)

Alaska: Donald “DJ” Jones (Post 1); Michael Hayward (Post 28); Laura Sturdevant (Post 1)

Arizona: John Murnan (Post 62); Michael Hale (Post 66); David Broyles (Post 62); Noel Epke (Post 19); Virginia Prest (Post 131)

Florida: Joan Suelter (Post 347); Binion Williams Jr. (Post 137); David Musser (Post 347); James Waggoner Jr. (Post 240); Clarence Hill (Post 316); Micheal Seidel (Post 347); Robert Johnson (Post 347); Ronald Lakin (Post 103); Martin Motherway (Post 318); and Bruce Thurber (Post 117)

Georgia: Emanuel Bruce Jr. (Post 29); H. Louise Greenidge (Post 333); John Griffin (Post 6); Vickie Smith-Dikes (Post 333); Sandra Jordan (Post 296); Patricia Liddell (Post 333); Edgar Johnson (Post 333)

Idaho: Charles “Abe” Abrahamson (Post 101)

Illinois: Kenneth Trumbull (Post 134)

Indiana: Richard Harrison (Post 331); Ron Patterson (Post 391); David Miller (Post 241); Gina Owens (Post 233); Mark Gullion (Post 500); Laurie Bowman (Post 152); Bernhard Olsen III (Post 3); Robert Burkhart (Post 87); Bruce Curry (Post 145)

Maryland: G. Douglas Willey (Post 70)

Massachusetts: Richard Mangels (Post 121)

Michigan: Robert Salamon (Post 217)

New Hampshire: William “Bill” Roy (Post 2)

New Jersey: Richard Godfrey Sr. (Post 129); Charles Bast (Post 252); Thomas Covello (Post 232)

North Carolina: Jose Valdes (Post 116)

Ohio: Joseph Law (Post 598) and Albert Buxton (Post 199)

Pennsylvania: Brian Russell Sr. (Post 398) and Rod O’Connor (Post 272)

Puerto Rico: Carmen Rosario (Post 66)

South Carolina: Douglas Ammon (Post 178)

Tennessee: Tonya Launsby (Post 55)

Texas: David Witucki (Post 490)

Utah: Martha Bigbie (Post 90) and Richard Fisher (Post 139)

West Virginia: Kevin Wolfe (Post 174) and Joseph Malcolm (Post 71)

Silver Brigade

Alabama: Buddy Keen (Post 73)

Alaska: Justin Mills (Post 1) and Daniel R. Jones (Post 3)

Arizona: Steven C. Cain Sr. (Post 129) and Craig M. Renevitz (Post 26)

California: Ernie Bille (Post 309)

Georgia: Jeff Balkom (Post 135); Lemuel P. Johnson Jr. (Post 296); George B. Grindstaff (Post 29); Walter A. Cusick Jr. (Post 29); Gregory Kindred (Post 135); Robert Mark Shreve (Post 189); James Bell (Post 70); and Frank Scozzafava (Post 168)

Idaho: Bonnie Huffman and Doug Huffman of Post 101

Illinois: Nadia Baran (Post 43); Ron Swaim (Post 199); George “Don” Horn (Post 974)

Indiana: Bryce Hullett (Post 64); Michelle Amick (Post 160); Patricia Esslinger (Post 157); Christina Owens (Post 360); Tim McMahan (Post 72); Mitch Mullins (Post 190); Judy Pearson (Post 145); Robert Rowley (Post 276); John Mort (Post 49)

Maine: Steve Girard (Post 197) and Lori Simard (Post 153)

Minnesota: Paul Siebert (Post 225) and Richard Grobe (Post 110)

Missouri: James Burris (Post 217)

New Jersey: Joseph Merimonde Sr. (Post 372)

New Mexico: William Jennings (Post 118) and Paul Espinoza (Post 13)

Ohio: Kelly Pulczinski (Post 566)

Pennsylvania: Robert Heffelfinger II (Post 143); Johna Lou McCormick (Post 437); Paul Kennedy (Post 80); Ed Deissroth (Post 974); Gerald Heid (Post 869); Leon Kowalski (Post 273); Charles Newman Sr. (Post 682)

South Carolina: Richard Bernard (Post 166)

Vermont: Ronald Fairbanks (Post 31)

Wisconsin: Frank Kostka (Post 90)

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