June 02, 2021

Your MyLegion.org how-to guide

By The American Legion

A PowerPoint presentation is available to walk you through registration, My Groups, membership processing, transmittals and reports.

A  MyLegion.org training session last month provided a step-by-step guide on how to use the new platform. The PowerPoint presentation went over how to:

  • Register a MyLegion.org account
  • Access My Groups
  • Assign group permissions
  • Process membership
  • View transmittal history
  • Access reports and rosters

View the MyLegion.org audio PowerPoint presentation at www.legion.org/training/training-Tuesdays.  


American Legion leadership, post and Sons of The American Legion squadron membership is accessed through an individual MyLegion.org account. MyLegion.org accounts are to be registered with the email address on your individual membership record that National Headquarters has on file. Registering with an email not listed as your primary email will not provide access to membership details, leadership resources or permissions.

To register an account

1. Go to  MyLegion.org

2. Click “Register” in the upper right-hand corner

3. Enter your email in the Register window and click Next.  A Verify Account window opens. Leave this page open. Go to your email and retrieve the OTP (One Time Password).

4. Enter the OTP and click Verify.

5. Click Next and you will be logged in.

6. Go to My Account to view membership details.


Adjutants and commanders at the post, squadron, county, district and detachment level have access to My Groups. These administrative officers have authority to assign permission to others.

My Groups provides the capability to

  • Export and print electronic membership roster​.
  • Email members. ​
  • View and edit member information​.
  • Access membership functions such as view members, members renewed online, registered members, global member lookup, reports and labels, process membership, Consolidated Post Reports and Consolidated Squadron Reports, and officer materials​.

Consolidated Post Reports and Consolidated Squadron Reports are restricted to adjutants only for 2020-2021. The reports are now available through MyLegion.org to access. All information entered in these reports by posts and squadrons prior to the MyLegion.org interface change has been converted over.

Commanders and assigned administrators will have access to CPRs and CSRs in phase 2 of MyLegion.org.


Online membership processing is only available for posts and squadrons. 

To add a new member or renew a member expired longer than one year – begin with add/transfer member. If the expired member wants to submit past dues, contact department headquarters. If a member has been expired for more than five years, you would enter them as a new member.

The listing in post transmittal only displays names of members eligible for current year and one year previous. Paid members will not display in this listing.

To renew a member. Search the member and click in the box to the left of their renewal year. A box will appear to check “Current or former member.” Enter the member’s ID  The member’s ID and last name. Their name is added to the batch and summary recalculates. If you need to remove a member from the batch, just unclick the box to the left of their name. 

To add a new member. Click “Add/Transfer Member” tab. A box will appear to check “New member - never been a TAL or SAL member.” Individuals can create a MyLegion.org account prior to becoming a member. They are assigned an ID number that will become permanent if they join.

To transfer a new member. Click “Add/Transfer Member” tab. A box will appear to check “Current or former member.” Enter member ID and last name to save member to transfmitall. 

To view members in the transmitall, hit List Selected button. 

Online membership processing is designed for payment to be processed with a post or squadron account. Not with individual credit cards. 

Important notes on membership processing

  • Previous transmittal history​ is in progress to be available soon.
  • Payment information for transmitall processing was not converted from the previous MyLegion.org platform. So after finalizing the first transmittal, a hold will prevent a second submission until the first transmittal completes. This hold is to ensure payment information is stored correctly and to prevent multiple declines in the event the first transmittal is rejected.
  • To update payment information, contact MyLegion support by email to mylegion@legion.org.
  • Declined transmittals​ will require new bank information to be entered prior submitting the next batch.
  • Processing time​ is three to nine days.
  • There is a $10,000 batch limit​ for transmittal. Amounts higher than that should be broken down to separate transmittals that meet the limit.
  • Transmittals are to be finalized within 14 days​. Open transmittals not submitted within 14 days will be sent a reminder and then are deleted if no action is taken. All transmittals will then have to be re-entered. When transmittals are done in the timely manner, members will not receive future renewal notices, and they will receive their membership card in a timely.


  • Paid and headquarters transfer report also is expected to be ready the first week of June.  
  • Expired listing ​
  • Deceased member history​
  • CPR summary​ for district and county
  • Detachment reports​


1. Group access denied/posts or squadrons not appearing: This is primarily caused when registering a new account with an email address that does not match the email address on the member record. Please use the email address associated with your member account during registration so data and access permissions can be assigned correctly.​

Status: In progress. The team is working to resolve those who are still experiencing this issue.

2. Cannot update bank account information in My Group profile: Email myLegion@legion.org to remove current bank account information. Finalizing the next transmittal will allow you to enter new bank account information.​

Status: In progress. This is currently in development to allow entities to manage their own bank information.​

3. Cannot see over 200 members in roster.

Status: In progress

4. Continuous years missing or incorrect on roster.

Status: In progress

See the entire list of known issues and their status, and for more help on how to use MyLegion.org, please visit mylegion.org/PersonifyEbusiness/Resources/Help. 


MyLegion.org accounts are to be registered with the email address on your individual membership record that National Headquarters has on file. Registering with an email not listed as your primary email will not provide access to membership details, leadership resources or permissions.

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