June 02, 2021

Legion Family clip art available on USB drive


American Legion Emblem Sales has a tool filled with Legion Family graphics to use for newsletters, fliers, letterhead, signs, websites and more.

American Legion Emblem Sales has a tool filled with Legion Family graphics to use for newsletters, fliers, letterhead, signs, websites and more. 

The American Legion Family Clip Art USB Drive is sold through Emblem Sales for $17.95.

Images on the USB drive include American Legion, Sons of The American Legion and Auxiliary emblems; Legion Riders; American Legion Baseball; Junior Shooting Sports; Child Welfare Foundation; National Emergency Fund; Operation Comfort Warriors; Poppy program; POW/MIA; armed forces emblems; flags (U.S., states, international and historical); and state map outlines.

All images are of high and low resolution in the formats of .eps, .jpg, .tif and .gif. Images are compatible with most PC or Mac Word processing, page layout, and desktop publishing programs.

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