A full color and black and white version of The American Legion Veterans and Children Foundation (V&CF) brochure is available for download at www.legion.org/publications under General.
The American Legion Veterans and Children Foundation
A full color and black and white version of The American Legion Veterans and Children Foundation (V&CF) brochure is
available for download at www.legion.org/publications under General.
The V&CF has two focuses:
1. Deliver needed aid for military and veteran parents who face unexpected financial hardships that threaten the stability of their homes. One-time Temporary Financial Assistance grants are used to cover housing, utilities, food and other basic needs for families with minor children at home.
2. Train American Legion accredited service officers who at any one time are continuously working more than 750,000 benefits claims for disabled veterans and their families, free of charge. American Legion Department Service Officers secured nearly $3.7 billion in benefits for the nation’s veterans during fiscal year 2020.
Safe, secure, tax-deductible donations to the V&CF can be made online at www.legion.org/donate.
TALMA contest
Members of The American Legion Media Alliance (TALMA) are eligible to submit entries to TALMA’s second annual contest. Visit www.legion.org/talma/contest to review the contest and submit entries before the deadline of April 15. All entries must have been published during the 2020 calendar year.
- Dispatch